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About Nick and Jamie

Hi! I'm Jamie

My husband, Nick, and I have been married for 12 years. About 9 of those have been spent living in a tiny town in North Texas. We moved here from the Dallas/Fort Worth area so that we could try our hand at homesteading. I feel confident that we failed spectacularly but we have done so in the most stereotypically city slicker way possible. You can read about those escapades in my blog, "The Green Acres Living Curve". 


Nick does home remodeling and together we buy dilapidated buildings to lovingly restore. I am a thrift and repurposing fanatic and when I am not incorporating those elements into our remodels I am selling second hand, vintage products on my ebay store. We are also both artists. Nick's meticulous nature manifests itself best in his stained glass hobby and I create assemblage and multimedia pieces. My art is all made out of found objects and recycled pieces. 


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2019 by Green Acres Etc. 

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