"The Twins"
Another Day of the Dead piece. This one of siamese twins, one the devil and the other an angel. Multimedia piece.
Vintage drawer, tiles, and ceramic doll pieces. This assemblage is a statement against bigotry towards the LBGTQ community.

"Dia De Los Cerdos"
Second hand bank revamped into a sugar skull. Painted in various types of paint and jewels added for a little panache.
"Dia De Los Cerdos II"
This vintage chalkware pig has been reworked into a sugar skull animal.
Vintage wooden bowl painted to resemble my favorite antique halloween cat image. Stained and glazed to add dimension

My first ever kiln fired ceramic piece. I used an old doll head mold to create this vintage inspired wall pocket.

Multimedia piece.
3 wooden nesting boxes painted with a sugar skull theme.
As a female, that has been assaulted and harassed, I became depressed during the #metoo movement. I made this piece as catharsis. Air dry clay tiles framed and backed with wood.
Vintage box purse with pyrography and paint. I used vintage embroidery patterns for the images.

Before and after of a Sugar Skull purse I made out of a vintage box purse. I have a tub full of these old purses and can easily make more for your custom order!
Closed/ Opened door for "Dog Skull Shrine"
Vintage cabinet with hand painted tole flowers and an actual
dog skull seated on velvet.

This piece was created for a window display at a local Day of the Dead Festival. It was made and decorated almost entirely of paper and glue.

"Going Nowhere"
Mixed Media
"Fortune Teller"
Mixed Media